Parenting has evolved. So should marketing.
If you don’t have dads in the mix, you’re leaving sales on the table.
In advertising, we’ve long been focused almost solely on influencing moms as the determining factor in the brands and products most used by families. Even as marriage, parenting, and partnership divisions of labor have evolved, moms still receive the lion’s share of marketing dollars spent on household, family, and childcare products.
Research is increasingly showing that dads are more involved than the ad dollars might indicate. Though the ad world has flirted with “Dadvertising” in recent years, there are few brands that have wholeheartedly committed to the concept. We’re here to say enough already—targeting dads should be more than a passing fad, and there are plenty of viable business reasons for looking beyond moms as gatekeepers of all household purchase decisions.
We’ve assembled research data to identify macro and micro trends about this audience, and the opportunities within. Fill out the form below to access and download.

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